Azerbaijan Баку, Баку, Юсиф Маммадалиев
Activity start date:

Bon Bini – from Papiamento means «Welcome»!

The demand for rental property has always been and will always be. As this demand grows, so do rental prices. According to the research, the global property crisis is expected to come in the next 30 to 35 years, because of urban growth rates which are significantly lower than that of population growth. In order to solve this problem, we offer the sharing and rental of real estate! In this case, one property solves the problem of several people, and each tenant pays much less!

We have 3 main missions:

- Postpone the coming real estate crisis

- Become the most convenient platform for sharing rental of living and working space

- Actively participate in the socialization of people

Azerbaijan Баку, Баку, Юсиф Маммадалиев
Activity start date: